Tuesday, March 7, 2017

News and comments

Time to time we are able to see diverse reviews about various acts of different persons from different sectors.  Some of these acts are categorized as good while some are bad. However, it is not a surprise to see some highly admired person at one time is labeled as the worst living being on earth in another time and vice versa. Because of the technological development of social networks and media, there are many opportunities to express and share our ideas fast. Anyhow, it is doubtful whether most do use these facilities and freedom in a proper and innocent manner. 

It can be seen, quickly after getting any news, many people tend to believe and understand it in the way they desire or experienced and comment on it without any proper analysis of the real situation. Sometimes, we see really drastic criticisms from total outsiders to the subject who do not have any relevance. Therefore, when we get the actual image of some circumstances after some time, an unrecoverable damage has been occurred.
Whether it is good or bad there can be many sides for any situation. Media or any other news people usually grab only few parts of them which would be highly attractive and upgrade their brands. Then, we have to think twice the accuracy of our reviews and judgments depending on those facts. 

It is good to share important information which can be useful to the public and put constructive reviews. Hateful criticisms would do no favor to any party.  It will cost nothing if we use soft language and polite manner to express our opinions on any subject. Then, there would be smart discussions which might guide for upgrading the circumstances instead of hatred and destruction. Further, there is no need to be hurry on judging something instantly as there is a huge possibility of diverting the whole situation by time. As those are published, everything won't be relevant to us. So, the clever  person is smart enough choose on what he should comment. 

No man is perfect; nothing on this earth will be faultless. The only thing that remains the same in this universe  is 'change'. If we keep it in our mind, the world will be more beautiful. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Chemical Waste will not be Another Research Achievement

Image result for chemical waste disposal in lab Scientific researches are usually carried out with different perspectives in variety of study fields including Chemistry, Physics, Geology, Biology, Medicine, etc. Most of the practical activities are conducted in equipped laboratories consisting of many chemical and physical materials. Enormous effort, money and time would be consumed whether it is going to be successful or not. Whatever happens at the end, the ultimate goal of such a hard work is to serve something better to the humans.

Image result for chemical waste disposal system in labHowever, as any  of the modern human acts, scientific research activities are also capable of causing some unexpected, harmful environmental damages. The major issue as I see is unplanned hazardous waste disposal.

 For example, consider heavy metal trapping studies to invent a new, accurate waste water treatment plant. In such a case it is necessary to prepare and treat with several metal ion solutions under number of different parameters to optimize the system. For testing, hazardous metals such as Pb, Ni, Cr, etc are mostly tested and prepared solutions have to be thrown away after each test. Further, during washing the apparatus, another amount of chemicals would be washed away.

 According to my knowledge, in our country many of the laboratory systems do not have proper treatment procedures for such drastic chemicals or the existing ones are not well maintained. On the other hand, typical waste treatment systems won't work with laboratory waste. It is true in laboratory scale we do use very tiny concentrations yet, the continuous addition and the toxic density may cause a long term, critical damage. In here it is described only a tiny part of one large research of many for clarification. In real case, chemical varieties and amounts are much more wide-ranging so that the effect is massive.
Image result for chemical waste into rivers from lab 
 If these chemical waste (liquid/solid) gets contact with the water streams or soil then that may cause many unpredictable outcomes sometimes we cannot even find out the root. Someone may think this is related to Chemistry field as by name also it is related to chemicals. Unfortunately, usage of chemicals is not limited to one field of study.

 Truly, it not practical to prevent such outcomes but, those can be minimized if we pay an adequate attention. Here, I have some suggestions that we can implement in our local laboratory systems.

  1. Separately collect the solid and liquid waste in the labs so that those can be utilized for waste treatment system testings.
  2. Reuse of possible chemicals.
  3. Try to use very low concentrations or limit the volume scale.
  4. Implementation and proper maintenance of laboratory waste treatment systems.
  5. Go for alternations for hazardous chemicals as possible.
  6. Educate the researchers and the new comers.
Image result for chemical waste disposal system in labImage result for chemical waste disposal system in lab

 Today, in Sri Lanka attention towards the scientific researches has been upgraded as people have identified the real value of such investments. Meanwhile, it is important to keep safe our existing environmental values and take prompt action to minimize the current damage. If not compared to the real research achievements ultimately we are originating much more losses.  

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Consolation of Patience

As I think humans are a very strange species who can show very contradictory behaviors at the same time. The situation becomes more humorous as they are considered by themselves to be the wisest species on earth.

For example, they can die for their religion without following out any of the precept taught by it which could really make the world better and reduce the heat of much fire. Further, they can criticize, argue and kill anyone to defense the name of their nation yet, take it much difficult to pay the respect and protect the national values by action.

Image result for ConsolationI feel most of such ridiculous figures have no any real intention of following the good religious path or grabbing the noble values of nations to their real life, except showing a super personality which actually does not exist. 

Here, I am talking about the majority but, not all. The sad side is, this empty brain super personalities are becoming more influential and disastrous because of the easy access to social networks, media and many other limitless communication systems.

On the other hand, the present majority is practiced of imputing heart touching, arousing emotions instead of realizing the consolation of patience. Therefore, better to think before not once, not twice but, thousand times if you are going hurt someone. Because our small act would cause a vast disaster that we can't even imagine. 

Friday, July 15, 2016


Image result for rising sun from sri padaI started writing the blog again. That is not for the others but, for myself. Writing is a path to release our emotions while improving an adorable skill. All those past years I was watching, observing and waiting. Watching at the number of selfish acts of humans, their endless competitions and dirty hands/souls. Observing how we are destroying all the beauties and values we have. Waiting for the worst future if we do not have any better diversion. Therefore, I write so that I can express what I really feel about most of the surroundings I have. If my writings would occur at least a tiny change of someones' attitude that will make my work worth enough.

Yet, I ........,

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

What Is Lightning?

Lightning is a discharge of atmospheric electricity which is triggered by a buildup of differing charges within a cloud.
The result is a sudden release of electricity which causes a distinctive bright flare, followed by a thunderclap.
Lightning is most common around the equatorial regions of the world, although it can potentially strike anywhere, and it appears in a variety of guises, depending on atmospheric conditions.